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Dilemma Actions
Coding Guidebook

Our methods for this database combine a holistic case study analysis with coded descriptive and evaluative metrics. To identify dilemma actions to analyze we combined careful research with a wide consultation of various activists and experts on direct action. Once a potential case was identified, we first determined if the action was truly a dilemma action designed both to put opponents in a lose-lose position and also to tap into a widely held belief. In each case analysis, at least two team members reviewed data for accuracy.
To learn more about how to define a dilemma action look here and here.

Descriptive Data:

Success Metrics

Case Narrative

Media Source Checklist

  • Google for domestic and international news sources
  • Worldcat
  • Jstor
  • Lexis/Nexus
  • Twitter

In all cases, we want to check original language media for each case, even though many sources cited will likely come from international media. 

For a sample of a similar type of case narrative style see:

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