Tactics 4 Change
The Tactics4Change interactive website provides free access to information about more than 400 hundred cases of nonviolent dilemma actions, from every continent, and over 100 countries. This dataset of creative tactics, designed to put opponents in a lose-lose position, offers opportunities for further learning for activists, students and scholars. The database is a collaborative project between the Center for Applied Nonviolent Action and Strategies (CANVAS) and faculty from the Pennsylvania State University. Learn more about the database.



Featured dilemma actions
Jul 15, 2004-2004
Issue and Opposition: Because of insurgents in Manipur, the Indian military is free to apply the Armed Forces Special Powers Act which gives the military unchecked aut...
Dec 20, 2016-2016
Democratic Republic of the Congo
In the wake of the 2014 Burkinabé uprising, the Democratic Republic of the Congo experienced a series of protests in which Congolese citizens demanded that President J...
Nov 1, 2006-2006
In Leader, Saskatchewan a group of residents from a farming community of nearly 1,000 citizens had gotten tired of large potholes left unattended by the local governme...
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